Friday, February 12, 2021

Search for Outstanding Professional of the Year Awardee 2021


It is with great excitement to announce to all of you there aeronautical engineers that the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has opened the nominations for the 2021 Outstanding Professional of the Year Award (OPYA) for all of its 43 professions. The OPYA recognizes "the hallmarks of integrity, responsibility, competence, excellent service, and valuable contributions to the professions."

In a letter to the PRB Chairperson Jun Ferreras dated February 10, PRC Commissioner Yolanda Reyes is requesting the PRB of Aeronautical Engineering (PRB-AER) to submit three (3) qualified nominees from our profession on or before April 16, 2021. 

In this regard, the PRB-AER is coordinating with the Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines (SAEP) in the search for prospective nominees not only nationwide but also throughout the world. The search might be hampered with the current situation of the quarantine brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, but it must be done nevertheless with dedication and adherence to the criteria set forth by the Commission.

A little background on the OPYA is in order. The PRC began the bestowal of the OPYA in 1997 to acknowledge the acheivement and service of professionals who excel in their respective fields of professional endeavor. Considered as the highest distinctions conferred by PRC to a professional, the OPYA, together with other awards, are given during the Awards Night, being the highlight of the PRC Anniversary Celebration and the Professional Regulation Week, which is observed every year from June 16 to 22 by virtue of Proclamation No. 118, Series of 1987.

The following are the criteria for the nominees:

Detailed criteria are as follows:

The Screening & Selection Committee for OPYA shall conduct a panel interview of the nominees and shall individually rate the nominees in accordance with the criteria set forth by the Commission. The ratings shall be tallied to determine the highest-ranked nominees qualified for the award.

The PRC is looking forward to our active participation in this prestigious endeavor and our attendance to the 2021 PRC Awards.

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