Sunday, May 24, 2020

First PRC Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Councils Meeting via Zoom

The 1st Video Conference Meeting of the CPD Councils under the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) was conducted on May 22 via Zoom. The event was conducted in two time schedules: The Health & Technology Clusters meeting was held from 1:00 to 3:00 PM followed by the Business, Education, and Social (BES) & Engineering Clusters from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. The meeting was called by PRC Commissioner Ar. Yolanda D. Reyes, the Oversight for CPD.

Two major agenda were taken up and discussed. The first one was the granting or awarding of equivalent CPD credit units (CUs) to all professionals providing essential services during the state of public health emergency due to corona virus disease 2019. This is pursuant to PRC Resolution No. 1239 (s. 2020)

The discussion was moderated by Hon. Bernadette Reyes of the Board of Physical & Occupational Therapy. She laid out the pertinent provisions of PRC Res. No. 1239. First of all, this is one way of recognizing and appreciating the unselfish and brave efforts or heroism of the professionals in combating the disease. The frontliners will get a maximum of 45 CUs and the volunteers will be awarded a maximum of 25 CUs. There will be documentation to be submitted as part of the requirements, describing the activities of the professional. The organization or the company that a professional is working for should issue the certification and may no longer need notarization. The CUs earned by the frontliner or volunteer professionals may be used up to two renewals of their Professional Identification Card (PIC). In fact, a professional can earn the maximum of 70 CUs, if he started as a frontliner, then volunteered later. 

During the discussion, Hon. Lourdes David of the Board of Librarians presented their draft resolution to the participants. The draft resolution could be used as a template for the resolutions of other CPD Councils. The CPD Councils were given a liberal mandate to formulate and determine the activities to be covered by their  own resolutions pursuant to PRC Res. No. 1239.

The PRC and the CPD Councils would want to emphasize that the granting of equivalent CUs to frontliners and volunteers is only effective during the quarantine period.

The second agenda was on the granting or awarding equivalent CPD credit units (CUs) to professionals under Informal learning (IL) and Professional Work Experience (PWE) as other means to earn CUs during this quarantine period caused by the covid-19 disease. This is pursuant to PRC Res. No. 1240. The reason behind this is because mass gatherings are not allowed, as in holding of seminars, conventions, training or workshops. A professional can still earn CUs during the quarantine period even if he/she's not a frontliner or volunteer, even if she's just staying at home. PRC Res. No. 1240 also extends the acceptance of undertaking for the renewal of the PIC until December 31, 2021.

Hon. Lourdes David, chairperson of the Committee for Informal Learning & Professional Work Experience, discussed briefly what Informal Learning (IL) and Professional Work Experience (PWE) are. IL may or may not be related to the profession whereas PWE is work related. These are covered under PRC Res. No. 1208 (s. 2019).

Hon. Randolf Vicente of the Board of Geodetic Engineering presented their draft matrix of CUs for IL and PWE, based on their original operational guidelines (OG). Com. Reyes emphasized the need to formulate guidelines adapting to the 'new normal' situation. Hon. Vicente showed the various ways on how can a professional earn CUs during the new normal. One is through private study; a professional can read books, journals, articles, technical manuals, etc. He/she can also write articles or make research online. Another way is through interactive discussion online with experts, both local and international. In the matrix presented by Hon. Vicente, there should be a means of assessment of the learning outcomes. An applicant for the CPD CU should submit a kind of summary report of the activities undergone. This is for monitoring purposes to determine the kind of knowledge a professional has learned. And in doing so, to share the knowledge and information learned with other professionals. 

Com. Reyes also encouraged CPD providers, most of which are also the Accredited Integrated Professional Organizations (AIPOs) of the professions, to conduct CPD activities online, like webinars or online training/courses. If the providers are giving it for free to professionals, then they are exempt from paying the program accreditation fees.

Last topic discussed was the issue pending in Congress on the House Bills to repeal CPD law. The PRC has prepared its position paper on the issue, particularly why professionals need CPD and on what we lose if CPD is removed. Of the utmost concern is the contribution of professionals to public safety and welfare and they need CPD to maintain and be updated. Our commitments to international professional organizations will be affected and our global competitiveness will be compromised. We will be left behind and not be at par with international standards which are required for qualifications and professional alignment. Com. Reyes encouraged the attendees to help PRC disseminate its stand on the issue.

The CPD Council for Aeronautical Engineering was represented by its chairman, Hon. Ernesto Ferreras Jr. and its two council members, Dr. Jayjack Manzano and Engr. Jabel Jay Abella. Also present was Hon. Redentor Malia, PRB Member.

As per Zoom count, at one time, a total of 76 participants was recorded, may be even more, if not for the unstable signals experienced by some participants. Kudos to the CPD Division for hosting the event, particularly to Dr. Ma. Ellen Quinicio and staff.


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