Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SAEP Officers took the oath...

A new set of Officers and Directors of SAEP were elected and took their oath of office last April 27 at Conrad's Grille in Domestic Airport, Pasay City. Hon. Redentor Malia, PRB Member, conducted the oath taking rite.

The following are the Officers and Directors for 2019:


President         : Engr. Jay Jack Manzano 
Vice President : Engr. Jabel Jay Abella
Secretary         : Engr. Lemuel Banal
Treasurer         : Engr. Lorenzo Naval Jr.
PRO/Auditor    : Engr. Edgar Aguilar II


Academe         : Engr. Reynaldo Roca

Airlines                : Engr. & Capt. Fernando Fajardo Jr.
General Aviation : Engr. Arvin Gastardo
Government        : Engr. Gilbert de Guzman
Ex-Officio            : Engr. Robin Rabin, immediate past President

SAEP Officers 2019
Front to back: Engrs. Gastardo, De Guzman, Roca, Manzano, Abella, Banal, Naval, Aguilar II, Malia & Rabin...
To perform as a team...


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